Promotion de logiciels libres pour Windows

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Promotion de logiciels libres pour Windows

Message par didiervillers » 23 Sep 2012 17:30

François a retrouvé un document récolté au FOSDEM 2012, à propos de Valo-CD, un CD de logiciels libres pour Windows. Je le retranscris ici :

Are you sure you dont know anybody who uses Windows ?

Sure you know somebody. Give them a VALO-CD. It includes all the common, software an average user needs, for example LibreOffice, Firefox and Thunderbird. It includes manuals too. Most of them are from Check out

Do you know somebody who uses Windows ?

Help them become Free. Give them a VALO-CD.
VALO-CD contains the best Free and Open Source Software for Windows. The programs have been selected that most of them are ports of Linux programs, so eventually migrating to Linux becomes almost effortless.

VALO-CD itself is of course also open. If there is something that isn't perfect, you can fix ot. Got to or #valo-cd on Freenode. At FOSDEM you can meet Otto Kekäläinen of VALO-CD.

Une telle promotion est intéressante. Dans le même genre, il existe aussi les logiciels "portables" de framakey :
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